Minggu, 08 April 2018

Have Hypertension, Coffee Drink Can Increase Risk Cardiovascular Disease

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Have Hypertension, Coffee Drink Can Increase Risk Cardiovascular Disease


Jakarta, Coffee so favorite drink some people. However, deserve more vigilance for you who like to drink coffee but have hypertension. In a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress, it was revealed that consume coffee in a young adult with hypertension, increased the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack. Cardiovascular expert Dr. Lucio Mos says there is one pro-cons around the impact of long periods as well as the metabolic impact of consuming coffee in patients with hypertension. "Our research is designed to evaluate whether drinking coffee has an impact on cardiovascular possibilities as well as whether it is assumed to have an impact on high blood pressure and glucose metabolism," Dr. Mos, who practices at the Hospital of San Daniele del Friuli, said as quoted from Medical News Today on Tuesday (1/9/2015). For this HARVEST2 study, researchers looked at the routine of drinking coffee 1. 201 non-diabetic patients aged 18-45 years. Each participant in the know had step 1 hypertension where the systolic blood pressure of 140-159 mm / Hg and his diastolic blood pressure around 90-99 mm / Hg. Participants reportedly did not do healing. Also read: Two Cups One Day, Coffee Can Easily Avoid Erectile Dysfunction Lho In this study, coffee consumption is defined by the amount of caffeine present in coffee, which is consumed by participants. The middle coffee drinkers consume 1-3 glasses / day, while for the level of weight, they consume 4 or more glasses of coffee / day. Of all the participants, in fact 26, 3% of the participants did not consume coffee, 62, 7% were middle level coffee drinkers, and 10% were heavy coffee drinkers. "" Slow caffeine metabolism may alter exposure to the detrimental effects of caffeine on glucose metabolism. The risk will also increase if they are obese plus they are heavy coffee drinkers. However, the impact of coffee on pre-diabetes depends on the amount of coffee consumed daily and the genetic background. "" explained dr Mos. From the results of his study, dr Mos concluded that coffee consumption associated with hypertension and glucose metabolism. Until, he recommends for middle-aged hypertension patients especially in young adulthood, should minimize the amount of coffee consumed / day. Also read: Coffee Can Be Medicine for Bald Men (rdn / up)